If you are interested in any of these services or any of the programmes please get in contact with me: canoecoach@live.com 


Im available for consulting work.


Im available for mentoring work.


We provide Elite Technical Coaching services for either one off sessions or at training camps.


This programme is excellent for those athletes who want a professional level of support to improve the quality of their training and competition. It provides a high level of support that helps develop the athletes specific needs. Training programme and technical support is also specific to the athlete which allows a more personal approach to training.

Detailed and Personalised Training Programme 
This is a systematic approach to providing training and linking training programmes together for peak developments. The training sessions are tailored to your personal ability, goals, lifestyle and how much time you have available to train. This includes when necessary – Gym Programme and Physical Conditioning programme.

Psychological Support 
Goal setting, race strategies, training strategies and how to get the most out of your time while competing in canoe slalom.

This allows athletes to contact us and gain advise about training, technique, equipment maintenance, what events to attend, equipment advise and any other support that may help the athlete develop.

Technical Support
Training set in cycles where the athlete is expected to video training for the coach to analyze and therefore can provide technical feedback through video conference software. Within the training programme the athletes are provided with technical advice and specific goals to work on to develop their technical skills.

Nutritional Support
Nutritional consultations with help the athlete become more professional and help get the most out of their selected training goals.

Tactical Support
Race strategies and tactical recommendations when necessary.

Athlete Support
Athletes will be able to communicate about issues related to canoe slalom. They also receive support about how best to develop as an athlete whilst juggling their education and career.

Constant Communication
Phone, email or real time discussion every week, with weekly analysis of training performance.

Note: – Limited Numbers + application conditions apply

– All programs are carefully developed, based on the information each athlete supplies and on our knowledge and experience.

– Includes the cost of setting up a planner.

– For athletes who want professional coaching to improve the quality of their training and competition.

– Initial programs must be for a minimum of 12 weeks.



This programme is ideal for those athletes who want to improve the quality of their training and competition. It provides basic technical support and a training programme that is tailored to suit the athletes individual needs, goals, lifestyle and time available to train.

Detailed and Personalised Training Programme 
This is a systematic approach to providing training and linking training programmes together for peak developments. The training sessions are tailored to your personal ability, goals, lifestyle and how much time you have available to train. This includes when necessary – Gym Programme and Physical Conditioning programme.

Technical Support
Within the training programme the athletes are provided with technical advice and specific goals to work on to develop their technical skills. However this is limited due to the basic set up of the programme.

– All programs are carefully developed, based on the information each athlete supplies and on our knowledge and experience.

– Includes the cost of setting up a planner.

– Initial programs must be for a minimum of 12 weeks.

– This option is suitable for athletes who just want a good smart personal program and minimal support.


  • Quality New Zealand Sports Nutrition
  • NZkayak
  • Skins
  • Quality NZ Kayak Equipment